Plant-based living helps protect the planet and improve our health. In fact, "If we all eliminated meat and milk from our diets and went to plant sources of these foods, we would be saving at least 50% of our water use. We would be saving untouched habitats (Rainforests, marshes) from being destroyed to produce more livestock feed, and we would be creating less pollution in our waterways, streams, and oceans that indirectly threaten human, animal, and plant lives. (Hunnes)"
One of our goals with WIJABA's online Health & Hygiene program, is to promote sustainable living and promote environmental stewardship, but we know that going vegan has its challenges and is not always possible. So, we encourage reasonable, balanced lifestyles that work toward more environmentally friendly habits through incremental implementation. Small, collective change, can lead to big results after all! We think that gardening and incorporating more vegetables into our meals is a great way to start!
Anandini Fathi Zahiya, Mung Bean Microgreens Grown in Recycled Bottles
Left to Right: Jofanya Alinda Putri, Aurellia Eka S, Rifqi Raffandra R, Shofiyah Al Choir
We are adding videos to the WIJABA Pendidikan Youtube channel weekly! Check out these episodes on cooking and gardening for tips on how to stay healthy and active!